TY's blog

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Home court advantage. After NBA 2005 West Conference Game 3

Spurs beat Suns with 102-92 at their home court, leading 3-0 now with one win away from final.

Home court advantage is not a mystery. Think of this way, you do all the mocks at home and then go for the final exams. How would you do there comparing to the jobs you did at home? What if the test is at somebody else home? Got the idea? The crowds are friendly, the rims are familiar and the referees look even nicer. That is where the confidence comes from. There are exceptional players among the others, like Reggie and Mike, called superstars.

Let's put it this way, in present, Spurs is flawless to Suns. They dominated both ends at the floor. They can shoot a bunch of threes, post you up or beat you in the line. That sounds like the number one seed in NBA 2005 is a fraud? Well, the did the best in the regular season, however, they didn't find their own weakness and correct it in time. Otherwise, postseason would have been determined at the end of the regular.

It reminded me the scene in 1996-1997, back to the time Utah Jazz rivaled against Chicago Bulls. Karl Malone was the MVP of the season. However, in the finals , it was Michael Jordan dominated the whole series. It's an impressive moment when Jordan fouled in line, the audience in Chicago stadium yelled "MVP, MVP, MVP". Same theme happened in San Antonio SBC Center when Spurs superstar Tim Duncan was fouled in line. The result? Tim contributed 33 points, 15 rebounds including a perfect 15-15 in line. Hmm, better not to annoy a former MVP if you want to steal a game.

Back to the game, Suns did almost everything right about it. Joe Johnson's back to line. Nash had more resting time and Amare just put another big game on board. What's wrong about it? Everyone said defense wins the Champ. Now Spurs proved it one more time. The biggest difference was at the second quarter, when Spurs outran Suns by 18-10. Man, if you told me Suns only scored ten points in the quarter, I would say you're insane. The thing is Spurs cut down Steve Nash by putting Parker on his back. And also their big guys tried to bother him every chance they had by chasing him outside the perimeter. Steve was blinded in transition defense. Suns was famous in transition game the whole season. Steve Nash will find those athletic Suns open and Bam! slam dunk. Now everytime whenever Spurs gave the ball, they looked for Steve Nash. They know he's the engine of Suns and by stopping him, there's no more running game. Spurs' defense is not Jason Terry (sorry no offense:), they are much more experienced players. Try to help out Steve Nash. Set up a couple of swingmen covering him up when inbounding. Suns are not familiar with that, in a word, they count mostly on Steve Nash alone. But they need to change, only when Steve Nash can run his game, Suns has a tiny chance.

Amare is unbelievable, he's almost like a right-handed David Robinson except the ability to pass. Yes, it's his biggest weakness. I am not sure if D'Antoni told him not to pass, but even if he did, Amare did a terrible job. He cannot help his teammates with a ball in hand. On the other hand, look at Timmy. He's well conscious of his teammates and always look for a better chance to pass. I know it's Amare's third year. If he played in college, he wound be a junior. But if he wants to beat Tim's Spurs, he has to learn how to pass and help his teammates. Unfortunately, I couldn't see it right now.

Overall, Spurs did a great job teaching Suns. Phoenix Suns have learned their flaws and tried to improved their game. Don't loss your faith and try to do your best. That's all I look forward to Suns and may the force be with you.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Farewell, Ray Barone family

Everybody loves Raymond is my favorite TV comedy in America. After 9 years of broadcast, it went to an end last week. I have to say it is not in my first impression when I saw it on TV. Even a little boring I thought after a few minutes and I tuned to another channel in no time. However, when I moved to New Jersey and found a plenty of spare time in the evening, I thought what the heck, just give it a chance. And it certainly appeals to me. All right, I confess I spent too much time like couch potato, but it's a good excuse to learn English! I love the way Frank (Ray's father) talks in terms of local American slang you can never learn in textbooks.

They are small people living in a usual house and close to their families. I mean maybe it's not usual you would live with your parents across the street. But emotionally, you know your family is there. And they care about you, no matter what you did, they love you. Sometimes agitating though. My girlfriend said I am somehow like Raymond, a little pessimistic. Well, could be true in particular when she treats me like Debra did to Ray.

My mother happened to be a script writer. She always told me a successful drama must connect to the audience. Make them felt it happened in their lives. To develop a character just like everybody else, but remember put some flavor in it. A little cynical, a little bit dramatic and here it comes, the Barone family. It's so successful in their characters, because you can find some of your personalities in them.

Shits happened in life. We all know about it. You just need to find a way to face it, may not be easy, but you know your beloved family will be there and willing to help. That's a way why everybody loves Raymond.

You can tell I love writing sports in cyberspace. In reality, however, it's not gonna feed me. How lucky you are, Ray Barone, to find a way make your living in such a joyful way. Farewell, Ray, we love you.

A young Airman? After NBA 2005 east conference final game 2

Yes, he can't make perimeter jump shots. So what? Take a look at the scoreboard, D. Wade no.3 of Miami Heats made 15-28 in field goals, none of them from downtown and a perfect performance on the foul line by 10-10. Tell me, who would it be in your mind? Yet, he's only a sophomore in the league. The toughness not only physically but mentally is the reason he deserved such a high reputation in NBA. He is a man who polished himself again and again in challenging series. Nearly unstoppable and knowing how to response the stress, I really love this kid. He's the leader of present Heats. O'neal? Come on. I never loved him in the court. He's entertaining but not the man you will look up to the last minutes in the game. Besides, how could you explain to your kids when they told you they only want to do the finals best but no homeworks and midterms? Not a way it should be especially as a professional athlete. We are ordinary people in life, we watch sports not only because these athlete can do what we can't do, but also they present a spirit in honor. A way we should follow in our life. That's the reason we spend time and money on you Big Boy.

The other man I'd like to introduce is Alonzo Mourning, a.k.a. Zo. If you're not familiar with this guy, let me tell you. He's twice defensive player of the year '98-'00. He played like there's no tomorrow. And how dramatically, it's kind of truth for him. He had been forbidden to play basketball due to kidney ailment. After received kidney transplant surgery from his cursin, once again he fighted like a warrior. You can feel the determination when he's standing in the paint. "The paint area is like my home, I don't like intruders" he said. So you see once again and again when Piston penetrated in the lane, Zo came from nowhere and blocked! I would definitely put a man like him in my house.

Frankly speaking, I will bid on Piston. Because they own home court advantage right now. They're a mature team and their coach Larry Brown is not a decoration in sideline. He trained his men like soldiers and whatever he ordered to do, they did their best. Truly professional team they are. Heats has a chance only when their 7-1, 325 lbs center can find a way to fight 100%. Ironically, I would say, call up Kobe and ask him sit with Pistons could be the only way.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Taiwan's Pride, Chien-Ming Wang

This is the fourth time I sat in front of TV watching Yankees game all night. The only reason is "Chien-Ming Wang", a young pitcher who came from Taiwan like me.

Remember the first time I stepped into a class full of american students, I felt nervous and uncomfortable. I have no clue if I can survive and polish myself. After a few hours, I realized that all I've done in the past worked. Overall, I did well in my graduate years in New York. I can feel the same in Wang. Though he's a top pitcher in Taiwan, he still needs to prove himself as the cream of crop. Watching him pitched on Yankee's mound is sensational for every Taiwanese.
We can do it. And we know we will stand strong.

I salute you, Chien-Ming Wang. You are the pride of Taiwan. No matter how hard it is, you are standing there, on the most desirable place any professional pitchers could ever dream. Way to go and hope you have a healthy and wonderful pro life.

After NBA 2005 west conference final game 2

Sigh, to be honest, I'm with Suns this game, though I do think Spurs will go to Champ. Now Suns have to play like there's no tomorrow in San Antonio.

I'd like to share a few thoughts after this game. First of all, Suns need to support their commander Steve Nash. As the MVP of NBA 2005, Steve Nash has done whatever he could to stand against Spurs. Even though it is Amare Stoudemire put the most scores on board, Steve Nash is the key man. Only when Nash could dominate Tony Parker on the floor, Suns could have a chance to beat Spurs. We need a healthy and energetic Nash in the fourth quarter. Mike D'Antonio has to trust their bench player like Barbosa and share some minutes with Nash. Give him enough break before the fourth quarter and let him create the miracle we need.

Tony Parker is the X factor in this series. He is young and smart yet unstable against Nash. Try to take advantage on him either in the offensive or defensive end. If Joe Johnson is going to play in Game 3, I'd put Joe on Parker. Let him dribble deep in the lane and double him with swingman. Tony is not as mature as Nash when trapped. Hopefully his confidence will give us a little chance to cut down Spurs offensive system.

On the other hand, Manu Ginobili is the leader of the present Spurs. Yes, you heard me right. He's the killer. He is smart, sneaky and most of all he is a clutch time player. He deserves the best D-player. If I were Mike D'Antonio, I would put Shawn Marion on him. Try to be aggressive and destroy his comfortable rhythm. Force him to make perimeter jumpers, I have to say it's the risk Suns have to take.

After all, we have to agree Spurs is a better team. You can't expect to beat them in the usual way. Try something different like change your rotations and adjust quickly. Coach Pop is not good to adjust at the court. Don't get me wrong, he's just good enough to play his own way. You have to challenge it, rather than follow their rhythm.

May force be with you, Suns.

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