TY's blog

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Taiwan's Pride, Chien-Ming Wang

This is the fourth time I sat in front of TV watching Yankees game all night. The only reason is "Chien-Ming Wang", a young pitcher who came from Taiwan like me.

Remember the first time I stepped into a class full of american students, I felt nervous and uncomfortable. I have no clue if I can survive and polish myself. After a few hours, I realized that all I've done in the past worked. Overall, I did well in my graduate years in New York. I can feel the same in Wang. Though he's a top pitcher in Taiwan, he still needs to prove himself as the cream of crop. Watching him pitched on Yankee's mound is sensational for every Taiwanese.
We can do it. And we know we will stand strong.

I salute you, Chien-Ming Wang. You are the pride of Taiwan. No matter how hard it is, you are standing there, on the most desirable place any professional pitchers could ever dream. Way to go and hope you have a healthy and wonderful pro life.